A part of our results have been publisehd in conferences and scientific magazines such as: Talanta, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Thin Solid Films, Applied Surface Science, Superlattices And Microstructures, Molecules.
1. Savin, M., Mihailescu, C. M., Matei, I., Stan, D., Moldovan, C. A., Ion, M., & Baciu, I. (2017). A quantum dot-based lateral flow immunoassay for the sensitive detection of human heart fatty acid binding protein (hFABP) in human serum. Talanta, acceptat “In press”.
2. Marian Ion, Carmen Moldovan, Silviu Dinulescu, George Muscalu, M. Savin, Carmen Mihailescu, Dana Stan, Iulia Matei, Fabrication of a New LFIA Test for Rapid Quantitative Detection of CK-MB, Using Inkjet-Printing Method, BIO-CAS, Torino, 2017.
3. Marian Vladescu, Valentin Feies, Paul Schiopu, Alexandru Craciun, Neculai Grosu, Mihaela Savin, Carmen-Marinela Mihailescu, Dana Stan, Method for the Quantitative Determination through Fluorescence of Biosurfaces ECAI 2017 – International Conference – 9th Edition Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence 29 June -01 July, 2017, Targoviste, ROMÂNIA.
4. Carmen Moldovan, Bogdan Firtat, Silviu Dinulescu, Costin Brasoveanu, Marian Ion, Cecilia Codreanu, Carmen Mihailescu, Dana Stan, Mihaela Savin, Integrated Platform for Pesticides Detection in Food, BIO-CAS, Elvetia, 2016.
5. Mihailescu, C. M., Stan, D., Iosub, R., Moldovan, C., & Savin, M, A Sensitive Capacitive Immunosensor for Direct Detection of Human Heart Fatt Binding Protein (H-FABP)/. Talanta/ 132/ 2015/ 37-43.
6. Stan, D., Mihailescu, C. M., Savin, M., & Matei, I. Fluorescein Isothiocyanate in Interaction with Anti-hFABP Immunoglobulin G1: Fluorescence Quenching, Secondary Structure Alteration and Binding Sites Localization. Int. J. Mol. Sci, 14, 3011-3025, 2013.
7. Stan, D., Mihailescu, C. M., Iosub, R., Moldovan, C., Savin, M., & Baciu, I. Electrochemical studies of homogeneous self-assembled monolayers versus mixed self-assembled monolayers on gold electrode for “label free” detection of heart fatty acid binding protein. Thin Solid Films, 526, 143-149, 2012.
8. Moldovan, C., Mihailescu, C., Stan, D., Ruta, L., Iosub, R., Gavrila, R., … & Vasilica, S. Characterization of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on silicon substrate comparative with polymer substrate for Escherichia coli O157: H7 detection. Applied Surface Science, 255(22), 8953-8959, 2009.
9. Simion, M.; Ruta, L.; Mihailescu, C.; Kleps, I.; Bragaru, A.; Miu, M.; Ignat, T.; Baciu, Ion, Porous silicon used as support for protein microarray, Superlattices And Microstructures, 46, 69-76, 2009.
10. D. Stan, I. Matei, C. Mihailescu, M. Savin, M. Matache, M. Hillebrand, I. Baciu “Spectroscopic Investigations of the Binding Interaction of a New Indanedione Derivative with Human and Bovine Serum Albumins”/ /Molecules/ 14/ 1614–1626, 2009.
11. D. Stan, C. Mihăilescu, C. Paraschivescu, E. Oprea, I. C. Fărcăşanu, Electroforeza proteinelor, o importantă metodă în diagnosticul de laborator clinic, Rev. Chim., 57 308-311, 2006.